California State University Emeritus & Retired Faculty & Staff Association


CSU-ERFA Grant Awards History


James Brady, Cal State LA, Bioarchaeological Analysis of Human Skeletal Remains

Kimberly Garth-James, Sacramento State, Book: Widows and Revolutionary Traditions: Transforming Societal Norms and Biases

Gamini Gunawardane, Cal State Fullerton, Post Retirement Activities and Experiences of CSU Academic Staff

Leonamary Leigh Kennicott, CSU Northridge, Building Senior Life Stories Together

Christopher Kondo, Cal State Fullerton, Create a short video for Emeriti to Interest newly named emeriti in Emeriti-CSUF events

Alexis Krasilovsky, CSU Northridge, Tuki the Tiger

Katharine Davis Samway, San José State, Write 10 Op Eds focusing on education issues that are often controversial

Art Shulman, CSU CSU Northridge, "Bias" live production


Harley Baker, CSU Channel Islands, Different Christian Identities Predict Different Levels of Christian Nationalism

Kimberly Ann Gordon Biddle, Stanislaus State, Textbook: Social Emotional Competence from Birth to Age 25: A Guide for Working with Children

Jane Hook, Cal State LA, Research Project: Effects of a Virtual Reality and Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Phone App on Older Adults with Knee Osteoarthritis and Chronic Pain: A Feasibility Study

Alexis Krasilovsky, CSU Northridge, Tuki the Tiger: A Story from Bangladesh

Carol Perruso, Cal State Long Beach, News Media Coverage of Diabetes and How it Has Changed in the Past 20 Years

Mary Anne Schultz, Cal State San Bernardino, Exploration of U.S. Nurses’ Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes, and Confidence in Integrating Precision Health into Nursing Practice (2022-present)

Patricia Stroh, San José State, Professional Web Design: Beethoven GPS: A Guide to the Collected Editions of the Piano Sonatas


Eileen Barrett, Cal State East Bay, Booking It: Connecting Project Rebound Students through Reading

William Belan, Cal State LA, My Stroke: A Pathway to Recovery (book)

Lynne Schaffer Gross, Cal State Fullerton, 1970s Characteristics for the musical See Where We Land

Jo Farb Hernandez, San José State, Singular Spaces II: From the Eccentric to the Extraordinary in Spanish Art Environments

Michael L. Kimbarow, San José State, Complete the revision of textbook, Cognitive Communication Disorders (4th ed)

Christopher T. Kondo, Cal State Fullerton, CSU retirement, a foundation for longevity documentary

Alexis Krasilovsky, CSU Northridge, Tuki the Tiger: A Story from Bangladesh

Joan Melton, Cal State Fullerton,Voice-Movement Onstage and Off, for Performers in Theatre, Music and Dance

Robert S. Mikell, Fresno State, Peter Davis, the Music Master of the Great Louis Armstrong

Colleen Nevins, CSU Channel Islands, Self-Care Practices of Nursing Faculty Teaching in Baccalaureate Programs

Evelyn Jean Pine, San Francisco State, The full-length play, RadioActive Daughter

Art Shulman, CSU Northridge, Play: Act Your Age

Terence Young, Cal Poly Pomona, The African Student Program, 1961-1969


Robert Cherny, San Francisco State, for photos for inclusion his book, Harry Bridges: Labor Radical, Labor Legend

Merry M. Pawlowski, CSU Bakersfield, Mapping, Space, and the Rise of Commodity Culture in Joseph Conrad’s Congo

Art Shulman, CSU Northridge, Zoom Production "Bias"


William Belan, Cal State LA, Writing the Project Report-A Guide to Research for The Choral Conducting Program—Three-Summer Master of Music Degree in Choral Conducting (MMCC)

Benjamin P. Bowser, Cal State East Bay, Social Dimensions of COVID-19 for Citizens 55+ Years of Age

Marylee Bradley, Stanislaus State, Lorna Sage: The Writer Who Taught Us

Barbara Glaeser, Cal State Fullerton, Training Special Education Teachers to Use Comics and Graphic Novels to Teach Students with Disabilities

Katharine Davies Samway, San José State, Teachers’ Perspective on Online Teaching and Learning

Victor M. Valle, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, The Poetics of Fire: Decolonizing the Metaphors of Chile-eating in the Borderlands

Edythe K. Walker, Cal State Fullerton, Caring for Children or Partnerships for Adults? The Function of the Family in the Contemporary U.S.


Gregory A. Antipa, San Francisco State, Phylogeny, Taxonomic Relationships, and Worldwide Distribution of Conchophthirus

Linda Bunney-Sarhad, Stanislaus State, Dissemination of Aesop’s Fables: An Operatic Mashup

Terry Christensen, San José State, Making the Oral History of San José State and Santa Clara County Accessible

Gamini Gunawardane, Cal State Fullerton, Effect of Student-Teacher Co-Creation Process on Student Satisfaction in Undergraduate Business Programs

Anna Hamre, Fresno State, Fresno Master and Orchestra Concert Highlighting Homelessness in Fresno County to be held on March 29, 2020

Susana Hernández Araico, Cal Poly Pomona, Relaciones entre padres e hijos en el díptico trágico de Calderón, La hija del aire: la reina asiria y sus antecesores en La vida es sueño y Yerros de naturaleza, translated into English: Parent-child relationships in Calderón’s two-part tragedy The Daughter of the Air: The Assyrian Queen Semiramis and her predecessors in Life is a Dream and Nature’s Errors

Daniel Kessner, CSU Northridge, International Low Flutes Festival (performance) in Urayasu, Japan

Joan Melton, Cal State Fullerton, Speak Like You Sing: Integrating Classical Techniques from Theatre and Music in Spoken Dialogue for Opera

David R. Sprung, Cal State East Bay, String Quartet No. 2

Catherine Turrill-Lupi, Sacramento State, Florentine Renaissance painter, Plautilla Nelli, and art production at her convent


Britten Dean, Stanislaus State, The Wasteland

Debora Hammond, Sonoma State, Education for an Enraged Citizenry: The Hutchins School of Liberal Studies at Sonoma State University

Isabel Kaprielian-Churchill, Fresno State, Orphan Diaspora: The Dispersal of Armenian Orphans of the Genocide

Elizabeth Kenneday-Corathers, Cal State Long Beach, Roadside Plants

Daniel Kessner, CSU Northridge, Festival Forgest Kromeriz (performance)


Susana Hernandez Araico, Cal Poly Pomona, Sor Juana and the Indigenous Roots of her Musicality (presentation and publication)

Lynne Osman Elkin, Cal State East Bay, Essential Contribution of Rosalind Franklin to the Discovery of the Structure of DNA (book)

James Forsher, Cal State East Bay, Development of the Center for the Study of Media and Intolerance at the University of Vienna

Anna Hamre, Fresno State, Coro Solare Concert, April 22, 2018, Fresno, CA

Laurence Houlgate, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Guide to Self-Publishing & Self-Marketing (e-book)

Catherine Lupi, Sacramento State, A Savonarolan Legacy: Three Case Studies of Art Produced for the Florentine Convent of Santa Caterina da Siena in the 1500s (presentation and publication)


Isabel K. Churchill, Fresno State, Armenian Orphans of the Genocide: The Georgetown Children

Lee Davis, San Francisco State, Hoopa Tribal Regalia for the Ceremonial Hookman

Richard Marrs, Cal State Long Beach, Reducing Youth Access to Tobacco Products in Stores

Gerald R. McMenamin, Fresno State, Introducción a la lingĻ‹ística forense: un libro de curso


Mary B. White, San José State, Documentation of California Glass History 1950 to 2015

Laurence D. Houlgate, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Philosophy, Family and Law: A New Introduction to Legal Philosophy

David R Stronck, Cal State East Bay, Measuring, Monitoring and Analyzing the Growth of Trees in Reforesting 10,000 Acres of Southern Alameda County

David R. Maciel, CSU Dominguez Hills, Tin Tan-Mexico’s Early Post Modern Cross-cultural Icon

Herbert Arthur DeKleine, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Techniques for the Clonal Propagation of Hardwood Trees


Mary B. White, San José State, California Art Glass Movement: 1962-Present – Invitational historical glass sculpture exhibition, graphic time line, on-line catalog with article on history and panel/discussion at San José State, City College (SJCC) Spring 2015


Daniel Kessner, CSU Northridge, CD of recent musical works: performances at a European festival, which has been named after him, the first ever Festival Kessner, October 2013, by Conservatorio de Musica de Porto, Portugal

Isabel Kaprielian-Churchill, Fresno State, Investigation of the history of childhood, refugees, children, and war orphans, immigration and settlements of unaccompanied minors and diasporan studies (book)

Robert G. Fowler, San José State, Investigation of the characterization of a mutation in a gene that encodes an unusual DNA polymerase called DinB or DNA polymerase 1V


Julia M. Allen, Sonoma State, The biological study of the lives of Anna Rochester and Grace Hutchins

Elizabeth Kenneday-Corathers, Cal State Long Beach, The Repository of Wonders, a multifaceted, collaborative art installation

David Maciel, CSU Dominguez Hills, El Mexico de Afuera: Mexico’s Contemporary Policy towards its Diaspora in the United States: Diplomatic, Economic and Cultural Study

Philip Silverman, CSU Bakersfield, Bridging Generations: Family History and Lifestyle of Taiwanese Women

Donald Warrin, Cal State East Bay, The Many Lives of the Bark Kaiulani: Last of the American Square Riggers


Alfred B. Evans, Fresno State, Protest in Russia: Extending or Replacing the Frame

David Maciel, CSU Dominguez Hills, The Contemporary Cinema of Mexico (1965-2012)


Helen Jaskoski, Cal State Fullerton, Analysis of Native American Story Telling and the effect of translation from Western perspective

Terry Christiansen, San José State, Service Learning Project: Mural at San José State, Community Trail Park

Daniel Kessner, CSU Northridge, Present concert performance of ‘TEMPO’

Robert Curry, Sacramento State, Evaluation of APEC’s 2011 Agenda compared to findings in literature

Timothy Phillip Gay, San Diego State, Film Documentary: Overcoming Obstacles to Post Retirement

Norma Tarrow, Cal State Long Beach, Research sample Study of Nevgev Bedoin Access Program: Where are the Boys?

Donald Wort, Cal State East Bay, To attend and present research


Elizabeth Kenneday-Corathers, Cal State Long Beach, Research & Publication: Publication: Photo Portfolio and Manuscript: Regarding Mono Lake: In and Around the ‘Dead Sea’ of California

John T. Palmer, Sonoma State, Publication: History of the Development of Sonoma State University

Zena Pearlstone, Cal State Fullerton, Research: Pueblo Artistic Routes: The Commodification of Hopi Katsinas and Zuni Fetishes

Charles Lambert, Cal State Fullerton, Science Research: Activation of Meiosis in Ascidian OOcytes

Barnabas Hughes CSU Northridge, Research: Using the Physical to Exemplify the Spiritual
NOTE: This grant to Barnabas Hughes was awarded but immediately returned by Professor Hughes as he received an award from another organization sufficient to cover his project in its entirety.


No Award Given


Christine Kolar, Cal Poly Pomona, Journal to RAVE About! – A Research/Creative Project


Ronald Fritzsche, Cal Poly Humboldt, Project: revised edition of publication entitled: Fisheries of Humboldt Bay

John Palmer, Sonoma State, Project: A History of the Development of Sonoma State University


Gene Hauser and Gloria Matthews, Cal Poly Pomona, Computer Access for CSU-ERFA Retires in Extended Care and Rehabilitation Facilities

Walter Askin, Cal State LA, Publication: Compilation of Documents and Publications pertaining to My Vision of the Creative Process


Charles Lambert, Cal State Fullerton, Research: Events that trigger ovulation and GVBD in animal eggs

Takenori Aso, Cal State Fullerton, Comparative Study of the U.S. and Japanese Pension Systems


Milton Loventhal, San José State, She, A Tapestry of Women’s Lives

Manfred Wolf, San Francisco State, Compilation of a Selection of Published Articles


Sarah Moskovitz, CSU Northridge, Poetry Project in the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw

Dora Beale Polk, Cal State Long Beach, Work on poetry collection to be published by Welsh Women’s Press

Peter Brier, Cal State LA, Completion of biography of Emanuel Oscar Deutsch


Phillip Silverman, CSU Bakersfield, Impact of Globalization in the Context of Chinese culture

Dora Beale Polk, Cal State Long Beach, Synthesis of Poetry and Prose in a Joint Project Encompassing the Time of Political Powerlessness in Wales


Sidney Albert, Cal State LA, George Bernard Shaw in Hellas: A Resource for Scholars

Ira H. LaTour, Chico State, A Fugue of Hopes and roubles: Ansel Adams, and the Crusade for Creative Photography

Charles Lambert, Cal State Fullerton, Continuation of research Control of Maturation in Ascidian Eggs


Charles Lambert, Cal State Fullerton, Ovulation and Meiosis in Ascidian Eggs

Reba Soffer, CSU Northridge, Catastrophe and Commitment: Conservative Thought in the Twentieth-Century, Britain and America

JoAnn Yates, Cal State Long Beach, Rock Art in Printmaking Form

Jackson Putman, Cal State Fullerton, Biography of Jesse Marvin Unruh


Sheldon Harris, CSU Northridge, Sino-Japanese Relations during the past 100 years

Charles Lambert, Cal State Fullerton, Sperm Surface Enzymes and Fertilization of Ascidian Eggs


Kay Gott Chaffey, Cal Poly Humboldt, Publication: Celebrating Dance at Humboldt State: A Chronicle of Three Decades with Kay Gott Chaffey


Irving Halperin, San Francisco State, Publication: Fifty Years in the Classroom: The Making of a Teacher