California State University Emeritus & Retired Faculty & Staff Association


Standing Committees

CSUF-ERFSA Liaisons and Archivist

Liaison to the California Faculty Association:  James Swartz (Pomona)

Liaison to the CSU Academic Senate:  Jerald Schutte (Northridge)

Archivist:  Bethany Shifflett (San José)

Grant Awards

Committee Chair

Marshelle Thobaben



Don Wort (East Bay)

George Diehr (San Marcos)

Legislative Affairs

The Legislative Affairs Committee consists of the Director of Legislative Affairs and two to six members.  The committee follows legislation, California Public Employees' Retirement System Board decisions, and other actions that affect the welfare of CSU-ERFA members.  The committee makes recommendations to the Executive Committee and State Council.  The Director of Legislative Affairs serves on the State Council.

Legislative Affairs Committee Chair and Director of Legislative Affairs

Robert Girling



Ted Anagnoson (Los Angeles)
David Elliott (San José)
Rick Ford (Channel Islands)
Jonathan Karpf (San José)
Judith Stanley (East Bay)

Health Benefits

The Health Benefits Committee consists of Director of Health Benefits and from two to six members.  The committee follows discussions, decisions, and actions of the California Public Employees' Retirement System Board of Administration, the California Legislature, California executive agencies, Congress, and federal government agencies that relate to health benefits, especially those affecting retirees.  The committee makes recommendations to the Executive Committee and the State Council.  The Chair of the Health Benefits Committee serves on the State Council.

[N.B. Members are reminded that if they call on the services of the Health Benefits Committee or its chair to represent them to another agency, e.g. CalPERS , they must EXPLICITLY give the Committee in writing or by email permission to use their data and name. Otherwise their case can only be presented as a general, not a specific, inquiry.]

Health Benefits Committee Chair

Tom Krabacher

(San José)


Marshelle Thobaben (Humboldt)
Alan Wade (Sacramento)

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee is composed of a Chair and from two to six members.  It provides up-to-date lists of retired faculty members and works on the recruitment of new members and the retention of existing members.  The Chair of the Membership Committee serves on the State Council.

Membership Committee Chair

Edward Aubert



Ken Fulgham, vice-chair (Humboldt)
Rita Jones (Long Beach)
Carol Riley (Long Beach)
Diana Guerin (Fullerton)
BJ Moore (Bakersfield)
Ben Hubbard (Fullerton)
George Diehr (San Marcos)

Pre- and Post-Retirement Committee

The Pre- and Post-Retirement Committee consists of a Chair and from two to six members.  The committee keeps the the membership informed about retirement program needs and strategies to improve members' retirement status.  When appropriate, it coordinates its efforts with those of the Legislative Affairs Committee.  The committee also consults with campus affiliates on the development of pre- and post-retirement programs.  The Chair of the Pre- and Post-Retirement Committee serves on the State Council.

Pre- and Post-Retirement Committee Chair



Betty Garcia (Fresno)
Susan Uyemura (Fullerton)

Publications Committee

The Publications Committee is composed of a Chair and two to five members.  The committee develops policies relating to the organization's periodic and occasional publications (The Reporter, the CSU-ERFA website, the pocket calendar, the Survivor's Guide, and the like).

Publications Committee Chair

Ted Anagnoson

(Los Angeles)


Stephanie Coopman, ex offico (SJSU)

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is an ad hoc committee, which nominates candidates for the various CSU-ERFSA offices and also selects three at-large members of the State Council.  The membership of the 2024/2025 Nominating Committee will be announced at a later date.