The State Council is the governing body of CSU-ERFSA. It includes CSU-ERFSA officers, executive committee members-at-large, delegates from campus affiliated organization, nine at-large delegates, chairs of CSU-ERFSA's standing committees, and ex officio members. The State Council meets usually meets twice a year.
The Executive Committee is comprised of the CSU-ERFSA president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, past president, executive director, the editor of the Reporter, the CSU-ERFSA website administrator, and the Chairs of the Legislative, Health Benefits, Membership, and Grant Awards Committees.
In addition, CSU-ERFSA currently has six standing committees, an archivist, and liaisons to the California Faculty Association and the CSU Academic Senate.
The CSU-ERFSA Constitution and Bylaws are linked below.
CSU-ERFSA ConstitutionCSU-ERFSA Bylaws
Administrative Staff
The day-to-day operations of CSU-ERFSA are carried out by a small paid staff consisting of our Executive Director and Office Manager who work out of the Retiree Center at CSU Northridge.