California State University Emeritus & Retired Faculty & Staff Association




Membership Information


All retired and emeritus faculty* and staff members (including those in the Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP)) of the California State University system receiving a CalPERS pension regardless of where they reside are encouraged to join CSU-ERFSA. In addition surviving spouses of members are also eligible. Many of our members also belong to affiliated retired and emeritus faculty associations at their home campuses.  However, membership in a campus association is not a requirement for membership in CSU-ERFSA.

*As defined in the CSU-ERFSA constitution "faculty member" includes professional librarians, academic administrators, and others who have been accorded faculty status on individual campuses.

Membership FAQ

Q. I worked as part-time lecturer on several CSU campuses, and accumulated enough service credit to receive a CalPERS pension. Can I join CSU-ERFSA?
A. Definitely. Just as long as you worked for the CSU and you are receiving a CalPERS pension based on that service you can join.

Q. I am a retired groundskeeper from a CSU campus receiving a CalPERS pension. Can I join CSU-ERFSA?
A. Certainly. All retired CSU staff members receiving CalPERS pensions are eligible to join.

Q. I retired from an administrative position in the Chancellor's Office. Can I join CSU-ERFSA?
A. Yes. All retired CSU administrators who are receiving a CalPERS pension based on that service are eligible to join.

Benefits of membership

In addition to representing the collective interests of its members with regard to pension and health care benefits, CSU-ERFSA membership also provides additional benefits including:

A grant program that provides funds to members that can be used for several purposes, such as underwriting scholarly research of issues important to CSU retirees, conducting oral history projects, and supporting the scholarly and publication endeavors of retirees as contributing members of the university community.

Learn More about the Grant Program

A "Survivor’s Guide" that assists families in making those important decisions when a retired faculty or staff member or spouse dies.

Learn More about the Survivor's Guide

Advice and guidance for retirees in the Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) who are threatened with layoff.

Guidance to members in dealing with or responding to adverse administrative decisions affecting them, including decisions affecting pension or health benefits.

Assistance, information, advice, and support to campus retiree organizations.  Fifteen percent of the dues paid by CSU-ERFSA members retired from campuses with affiliated retiree organizations are returned to those campus organizations.  In addition, each affiliated campus has representation on the State Council, the Association’s primary governing body.  Twenty campus retiree organizations currently are affiliated with CSU-ERFSA.

Additional benefits exclusive to CSU-ERFSA members.

For more information on our services to individual members see our Member Services page.

Access to AMBIA Benefits Programs.

Costs of membership

CSU-ERFSA dues usually are collected by deduction from the member's monthly retirement benefit.  For new members, the monthly dues are as follows:

Gross Monthly Benefit Dues 
Less than $3,000 $5 per month
$3,001 - $3,600 $6 per month
$3,601 - $4,300 $7 per month
$4,301 - $5,300 $8 per month
$5,301 - $6,300 $9 per month
$6,301 and above $10 per month
Donor Member $11 per month and up


In addition to the monthly membership options, CSU-ERFSA also offers a Lifetime Donor Membership.  Lifetime Donor Members make a one-time payment of $1,000 (or more if the member wishes) to the Association.  They receive all the benefits of membership with no further payments.  New members of CSU-ERFSA may select the Lifetime Donor Membership option upon joining the organization.  Existing members may convert to Lifetime Donor Member status at any time by making the one-time payment of $1000 or more.

How to Join CSU-ERFSA

If you have not already received an application form in the mail, call the CSU-ERFSA office at (818) 677-6522 to request one or download a form using one of the links below.  Please return the signed application form to the California State University - Emeritus and Retired Faculty and Staff Association, c/o The Retiree Center, 18111 Nordhoff Street, Northridge, CA 91330-8339.  (Note: If you prefer to make direct annual payment of dues, multiply your monthly payment x 12 and send a check for the total amount to the CSU-ERFSA office.  Your Social Security number or CalPERS ID number is not required if you choose annual payment.)

Recently, some prospective members have expressed concern about providing their Social Security Number on the CalPERS payroll deduction form owing to identity theft concerns.  CalPERS now allows you to provide either your Social Security Number or your CalPERS ID number and just the last four digits of your Social Security Number on their payroll deduction forms.  Your CalPERS ID Number is a unique 10-digit number assigned to each CalPERS member.  It can be found by logging into the "My CalPERS" section of the CalPERS website, or more easily from a recent CalPERS Direct Deposit Advice or check stub.  Look for a line on the form that looks like ID #123456789012, the first ten digits  constitutes your CalPERS ID, so in this case the ID number would be 1234567890.

CSU-ERFSA Membership Application Form (PDF)

CSU-ERFSA Membership Application Form (MS Word document)

If you have any questions about joining CSU-ERFSA, please feel free to contact one of the following campus representatives:

Campus Email Representative Contact
Bakersfield Merry Pawlowski
Chico  None at this time  
Dominguez Hills    
East Bay    
Humboldt Jeff Borgeld
Long Beach Carol Riley
Los Angeles Deborah Schaeffer
Maritime Academy    
Monterey Bay Christine Sleeter
Northridge Phyliss Russell
Sacramento Sue Holl
San Diego Kimberlee Reilly
San Francisco Ms Irene Donner
San Jose Joan Merdinger
San Luis Obispo Kathy Mastako
San Marcos
Sonoma Sally Hurtado de Lopez
Stanislaus Ed Aubert