In addition to the work that CSU-ERFSA does to protect and enhance the pension and healthcare benefits of retirees from the California State University system, we provide important benefits and services to our individual members. These include:
Personal Assistance to members who are having difficulty resolving pension or health care benefit issues, or who have been subject to an adverse administrative ruling by their campus, their health care providers, CalPERS (including the CalPERS long-term care program) or CalSTRS. In most cases CSU-ERFSA members are able to resolve issues relating to their pension or health care benefits by calling CalPERS (or for a few members CalSTRS) or by calling the provider directly. In other cases, particularly for members who are in the Faculty Early Retirement Program, the Human Relations office at the member's campus often can provide assistance. However, when a CSU-ERFSA member has been unable to resolve these issues with the agency or provider, or when the member has received an adverse administrative ruling from the agency, provider, or - for those in the Faculty Early Retirement Program - from the member's campus; CSU-ERFSA often can provide the member with assistance that is helpful. Our experienced professional staff together with a cadre of dedicated volunteers has had years of experience dealing with such problems.
If you are a CSU-ERFSA member who has been unable to resolve a problem with your pension or health care benefits, or if you have been subject to an adverse administrative ruling, call the CSU-ERFSA headquarters at 818-677-6522 for help.
The online brokerage firm, Charles Schwab, is offering a complimentary copy of The Schwab Guide to Finances After Fifty to CSU-ERFSA members who request a copy. When your order is placed, Schwab will send follow-up communications regarding shipping along with links to retirement-related articles and tools. Note that all email communications include an option to opt out of receiving further marketing communications from Schwab.
The Charles Schwab Guide to Finances After Fifty was written by Certified Financial PlannerTM and financial columnist Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz. It has been recognized by The New York Times as one of the best books on financial planning. Visit to learn more about the author and the topics covered. Call CSU-ERFSA headquarters at 818-677-6522 for information on ordering this complimentary book.
Schwab also is offering a cash incentive of up to $500 to CSU-ERFSA members who become a new Schwab client, and who make a qualifying net deposit. Call CSU-ERFSA headquarters at 818-677-6522 for information about how to take advantage of this offer.
A detailed Survivor's Guide. This 30-page document, which was developed by the CSU-ERFSA Pre- and Post-Retirement Concerns Committee, has been described as "invaluable" by many members. As noted in the introduction to the Survivor's Guide, "No one wishes to think about death, but the prudent person knows that it is inevitable and advanced preparation reduces the concerns and anxiety of the survivor at a time of stress. [The] Guide [identifies] items that can be considered and developed in advance of a death as well as items with which to be concerned when a death occurs." The Guide is tailored to the needs of CSU retirees and their spouses but it can be used by any California resident. It provides a wealth of practical information. The Guide, which is remarkably complete, includes a Master Document Locator and a number of lists that the member can fill out and keep up to date. These include lists of assets and liabilities, employment records, military records, family records, insurance policies, pension and annuity benefits, professional advisors, bank and financial records, real and personal property. The Guide also has pages where the member can record funeral preferences, obituary information, and information regarding wills and trusts.
A copy of the Survivor's Guide is provided free of charge to each new member when he or she joins CSU-ERFSA. Subsequent copies of the Guide are available to members for a nominal fee (currently $5) to cover the cost of printing and postage. Non-members can purchase copies of the Guide at a cost of $10 each. An order form for the Survivor's Guide can be downloaded here.
Grant Awards Program
A Grant Awards Program. All CSU-ERFSA members in good standing whether faculty, staff, or administrators (a membership application may be made concurrently with a grant application) may apply for funds to support research and creative projects that are in accordance with the following goals: 1) Scholarly research on issues important to the retiree as a continuing member of an academic discipline or community, 2) Research and scholarly projects that contribute to the quality of life of the retirees in the University system, 3) Research and creative projects that contribute to a given academic discipline, 4) Research pertaining to the retirement concerns of faculty and staff within the California State University System. Follow the link for details about our Grant Awards Program.