California State University Emeritus & Retired Faculty & Staff Association


Become A Member, For So Many Reasons

For years, CSU-ERFSA has been working to make sure California State University retirees like you enjoy the retirement you deserve. Become a member and we’ll provide:

Membership is a small cost that makes a big impact on the quality of life for you and other CSU retirees. But we can’t do it without you. The more members we have, the bigger our voice.

Attention New Members!

CSU-ERFSA has extended its half-price membership sale until June 30, 2025 for new members who join prior to/by this date. This promotion applies to new members and for the first year of membership only.

Download, print out, and send in (with your check) the half-price membership form

Join CSU-ERFSA Today


For Dues Deduct, download PDF application >

CSU-ERFSA members
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Your Association Is Ready To Help

In addition to representing the collective interests of its members with regard to pension and health care benefits, CSU-ERFSA membership also provides additional benefits including:

  • A grant program that provides funds to members that can be used for several purposes
  • Advice and guidance for retirees in the Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) who are threatened with layoff.
  • Guidance to members in dealing with or responding to adverse administrative decisions affecting them, including decisions affecting pension or health benefits.
  • Assistance, information, advice, and support to campus retiree organizations. Fifteen percent of the dues paid by CSU-ERFSA members retired from campuses with affiliated retiree organizations are returned to those campus organizations. 

Pension Protection

We're the organization guarding your retirement income from legislative changes that could reduce your pension. We've been fighting for years, and this is no time to stop. Pensions could be questioned here and all over the country at any time.

Together, we can defend pensions. CSU-ERFSA works tirelessly in the California legislature to protect your future pension benefits. An experienced lobbyist, paid by CSU-ERFSA, provides legislative representation, proposes legislation, obtains sponsors and testifies on behalf of CSU-ERFSA members at legislative committee meetings.

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Social Opportunities

Looking forward to meeting others and socializing again? Join CSU-ERFSA now and be ready for future opportunities like nights out with friends old and new, group travel, volunteering, and more. And that's just the beginning. You'll be invited to meetings and other events that will keep you connected to like-minded people.

Research shows that social connection is critical to our mental, physical and emotional health. That's reason alone to join. Become a member today and be among friends.

Plus Many Other Reasons To Join

Membership in CSU-ERFSA also includes access to news updates, CSU-ERFSA events, chapter organizations, and the ability to talk to a live person about your membership benefits or any of CSU-ERFSA's activities. 

With so many advantages to membership, at such a reasonable cost, it’s time to join your association.


Members toasting with a drink in hand