We recently received the following message from Ken O'Donnell inviting contributions to the journal Experiential Learning and Teaching In Higher Education:
Dear friends and colleagues,
This summer I became editor-in-chief of Experiential Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. The journal is published in collaboration with the Society for Experiential Education, and relates to my longstanding interest in high-impact educational practices.
I’m writing because I think you would be interested in reading what we publish, and may also want to write (or know someone who’d like to write) an article for us. Submissions are selected by anonymous peer review. You can see the latest call for submissions, roster of editors, and evaluation rubric at the journal’s web site.
Even if you don’t feel like contributing, I hope you’ll take a look and create a free account.
Ken O’Donnell
Editor-in-Chief, Experiential Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
Vice Provost, California State University, Dominguez Hills
1000 East Victoria Street, WH 440
Carson, CA 90747
(310) 243-3307 | kodonnell5@csudh.edu
Please contact Ken directly if you are interested in contributing or receiving the journal.
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