California State University Emeritus & Retired Faculty & Staff Association


2025 Call For CSU-ERFSA Nominations

The CSU-ERFSA nominating committee invites members to consider serving in one of the following positions and/or nominating a colleague to serve. We are seeking nominations for:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Delegate-at-large (3 seats)
  • Membership Committee Chair
  • Pre- And Post-Retirement Concerns Committee Chair

Position Descriptions are provided below. Please send your nominations by Friday February 14, 2025, to Bethany Shifflett, Nominating Committee Chair,

In addition, if you would like to serve as a member of any of CSU-ERFSA’s committees (listed below), please get in touch with Bethany.

  • Grant Awards Committee
  • Health Benefits Committee
  • Legislative Committee
  • Membership Committee
  • Pre- And Post-Retirement Concerns Committee
  • Publications Committee

The nominating committee hopes members will consider getting further involved with CSU-ERFSA through one of the open positions or committees.

Position Descriptions

President: The President shall preside at the meetings of the State Council and the Executive Committee, shall exercise general supervision over the affairs of the Association, and shall serve as ex officio member of all committees. 2-year Term

Vice President: The Vice President shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the President in the absence of the latter and shall perform such other duties as assigned by the President. 2-year Term

Secretary: The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the Association and in cooperation with the Association Archivist shall be the custodian of all Association records. 2-year Term

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all Association funds and shall be authorized to make prudent investment of such funds in consultation with the President. The Treasurer shall develop an annual budget for confirmation by the State Council and shall present a complete statement of the financial standing of the Association at the close of each fiscal year to the State Council. The Treasurer shall also provide a mid-year financial report to the Executive Committee at its winter meeting. 2-year Term

Delegates-at-Large: The State Council elects nine Association members as delegates-at-large to serve on the State Council for staggered 3-year terms. These members attend State Council meetings and actively participate in the business of the State Council related to CSU retirees.

Pre- and Post-Retirement Concerns Committee: The Pre- and Post-Retirement Committee consists of a Chair and from two to six members. The chair and other committee members shall be nominated annually by the President and confirmed by the State Council. The committee keeps the membership informed about retirement program needs and strategies to improve members' retirement status. When appropriate, it coordinates its efforts with those of the Legislative Affairs Committee. The committee also consults with campus affiliates on the development of pre- and post-retirement programs. The Chair of the Pre- and Post-Retirement Concerns Committee serves on the State Council and the Executive Committee.

Membership Committee: The committee shall be composed of a chair and two to six members, all of whom shall be Association members. The chair and other committee members shall be nominated annually by the President and confirmed by the State Council. This committee shall participate with campus membership chairs in providing up-to-date lists of retired faculty members and shall undertake the recruitment of new members and the retention of existing members. The Chair of the Membership Committee serves on the State Council and the Executive Committee

Grant Awards Committee: The committee is composed of a chair and two to six members, all of whom shall be Association members. The chair and other committee members shall be nominated annually by the President and confirmed by the State Council. The chair serves on the State Council and Executive Committee. Using guidelines approved by the State Council, the committee selects applicants who are deserving of a CSU-ERFSA Grant Award. The committee shall make its recommendations to the Executive Committee, which shall make the final determination.

Health Benefits Committee: The committee is composed of a chair and two to six members, all of whom shall be Association members. The chair and other committee members shall be nominated annually by the President and confirmed by the State Council. The chair serves on the State Council and Executive Committee. The committee shall follow discussions, decisions, and actions of the California Public Employees’ Retirement System Board of Administration, the California Legislature, California executive agencies, Congress, and federal government agencies as they relate to health benefits, especially those affecting retirees, and make recommendations to the Executive Committee and the State Council.

Legislative Committee: The committee is composed of a chair and two to six members, all of whom shall be Association members. The chair and other committee members shall be nominated annually by the President and confirmed by the State Council. The chair serves on the State Council and Executive Committee. The committee shall follow legislation, California Public Employees’ Retirement System Board decisions, and California Seniors’ Coalition actions that affect the welfare of the members of the Association and make recommendations to the Executive Committee and the State Council.

Publications Committee: The committee is composed of the Reporter editor as chair, the Website Administrator serving ex officio, and two to five members, all of whom shall be Association members. These committee members shall be nominated annually by the President and confirmed by the State Council. The committee shall produce Association publications, including the CSU-ERFSA Reporter, brochures, and organizational materials.