California State University Emeritus & Retired Faculty & Staff Association




Section 1. The dues of the Association, all assessments, and rebates of dues to campus affiliates shall be approved by a majority vote of the State Council.

Section 2. July 1 through the following June 30 shall constitute the fiscal year.

Section 3. Those members paying monthly shall have their dues deducted by CalPERS or STRS.

Section 4. Members paying annually by check shall renew their dues on the first day of the anniversary month in which they submitted their application for membership.

Section 5. The current recommended membership dues structure is based on the CalPERS/STRS gross monthly payment to each member from CalPERS/STRS.

Section 6. A percentage of dues paid by an Association member shall be rebated to the campus affiliate.


Section 1. Officers shall serve for two-year terms, beginning on the first day of July.

Section 2. The President shall preside at the meetings of the State Council and the Executive Committee, shall exercise general supervision over the affairs of the Association, and shall serve as ex officio member of all committees. 

Section 3. The Vice President shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the President in the absence of the latter and shall perform such other duties as assigned by the President.

Section 4. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the Association and in cooperation with the Association Archivist shall be the custodian of all Association records. 

Section 5. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all Association funds and shall be authorized to make prudent investment of such funds in consultation with the President. The Treasurer shall develop an annual budget for confirmation by the State Council and shall present a complete statement of the financial standing of the Association at the close of each fiscal year to the State Council. The Treasurer shall also provide a mid-year financial report to the Executive Committee at its winter meeting.

Section 6. The Immediate Past President, or the most recent Past President willing and able to serve, shall serve on both the Executive Committee and the State Council.


Section 1. Editor: The President shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the State Council, an Association member to serve as Editor of the CSU-ERFSA Reporter. The Editor shall produce issues of the newsletter and shall serve as Chair of the Publications Committee. He/she shall serve on the State Council and report to it regularly.

Section 2. Archivist: The President shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the State Council, an Association member to serve as the Archivist. The Archivist shall be responsible for assembling and maintaining a library of Association documents, correspondence, necrology register, and other materials pertaining to the official business of the Association. The Archivist shall serve as a member of the State Council and shall report regularly to the State Council.

Section 3. Website Administrator: The President shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the State Council, an Association member to serve as Website Administrator. The Website Administrator shall be responsible for managing electronic communication for the Association, and shall maintain the CSU-ERFSA website in content and in technical operation. The Website Administrator shall serve as an ex officio member of the Publications Committee and the State Council, and shall report regularly to the State Council. (Approved April 20, 2024)

Section 4. The President shall provide for the periodic evaluation of each specialist.


Section 1. The Executive Director shall have the responsibilities of directing the daily affairs of the Association and of coordinating the functions and services for the continuing operation of the Association. The Executive Director shall be appointed by the President in consultation with the Executive Committee and confirmed by the State Council. The Executive Director shall be an ex officio non-voting member of all committees and the State Council and shall make periodic reports at all Executive Committee and State Council meetings. The Executive Director shall be responsible for evaluation of office staff.

Section 2. The President shall provide for periodic evaluation of the Executive Director.


Section 1. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The committee shall have such duties as assigned by the State Council or the President, shall advise and consult with the President, and shall have the authority to act for the State Council between meetings of that body. All decisions of the Executive Committee shall be subject to confirmation by the State Council. The membership shall be composed of the officers of the Association, the Editor, the Website Administrator and the Chairs of the Grant Awards Committee, the Health Benefits Committee, the Legislative Committee, the Membership Committee, and the Pre- and Post-Retirement Concerns Committee. (Approved April 20, 2024)

Section 2. GRANT AWARDS COMMITTEE: The committee shall be composed of a chair and two to six members, all of whom shall be Association members. The chair and other committee members shall be nominated annually by the President and confirmed by the State Council. The chair shall serve on the State Council. Using guidelines approved by the State Council, the committee shall select applicants who are deserving of a CSU-ERFSA Grant Award. The committee shall make its recommendations to the Executive Committee, which shall make the final determination. (Approved May 3, 1998)

Section 3. HEALTH BENEFITS COMMITTEE: The committee shall be composed of a chair and two to six members, all of whom shall be Association members. The chair and other committee members shall be nominated annually by the President and confirmed by the State Council. The chair shall serve on the State Council. The committee shall follow discussions, decisions, and actions of the California Public Employees’ Retirement System Board of Administration, the California Legislature, California executive agencies, Congress, and federal government agencies as they relate to health benefits, especially those affecting retirees, and make recommendations to the Executive Committee and the State Council. In the absence of the opportunity of the State Council or Executive Committee to deliberate such recommendations or CSU-ERFSA positions, the Health Benefits Committee is authorized to represent CSU-ERFSA to such parties. Should such actions become necessary, the committee shall report its representations to the Executive Committee and the State Council at the earliest possible date. 

Section 4. LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE: The committee shall be composed of a chair and two to six members, all of whom shall be Association members. The chair and other committee members shall be nominated annually by the President and confirmed by the State Council. The chair shall serve on the State Council. The committee shall follow legislation, California Public Employees’ Retirement System Board decisions, and California Seniors’ Coalition actions that affect the welfare of the members of the Association and make recommendations to the Executive Committee and the State Council. 

Section 5. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: The committee shall be composed of a chair and two to six members, all of whom shall be Association members. The chair and other committee members shall be nominated annually by the President and confirmed by the State Council. The chair shall serve on the State Council. This committee shall participate with campus membership chairs in providing up-to-date lists of retired faculty members and shall undertake the recruitment of new members and the retention of existing members.

Section 6. PRE- AND POST-RETIREMENT CONCERNS COMMITTEE: The committee shall be composed of a chair and two to six members, all of whom shall be Association members. The chair and other committee members shall be nominated annually by the President and confirmed by the State Council. The chair shall serve on the State Council. The committee shall keep the membership fully and promptly informed about retirement program needs and strategies to defend and improve members’ retirement status. When appropriate, it shall coordinate its efforts with that of the Legislative Affairs Committee. The committee shall consult with campus affiliates on development of pre- and post-retirement programs. The committee may augment itself with temporary, non-voting members to conduct specific studies of pre- or post-retirement programs or to assist affiliates.

Section 7. PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE: The committee shall be composed of the Reporter editor as chair, the Website Administrator serving ex officio, and two to five members, all of whom shall be Association members. These committee members shall be nominated annually by the President and confirmed by the State Council. The Editor shall serve on the Executive Committee. The committee shall produce Association publications, including the CSU-ERFSA Reporter, brochures, and organizational materials. (Approved April 20, 2024)

Section 8. AD HOC COMMITTEES: The President, in consultation with the Executive Committee, may establish ad hoc committees as the need arises. 

Section 9. VACANCIES: The President, in consultation with the Executive Committee, shall have the authority to fill committee vacancies. 

Section 10. QUORUM: A quorum shall consist of a majority of the membership of a committee.


Section 1. NOMINATION: The Executive Committee shall appoint a Nominating Committee composed of a chair and two to six members, all of whom shall be Association members selected from different campuses, early in each calendar year. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a list of nominees for the elective officers and the delegates-at-large to the State Council. All members who indicate a willingness to serve shall be eligible for nomination. This list shall be presented to the State Council in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to the election meeting. Nominations from the floor may be made at the election meeting.

Section 2. ELECTION: Election shall be by majority vote of the State Council. Voting shall be by secret ballot for contested seats. A voice vote shall be in order for those offices not contested.


Section 1. STATE COUNCIL DELEGATES-AT-LARGE: The State Council shall elect nine Association members as delegates-at-large to serve on the State Council. One- third of the delegates-at-large shall be elected each year for a three year term. Vacancies occurring among the delegates-at-large shall be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Committee. Such appointees shall serve until the end of the year in which the vacancy occurred.

Section 2. ACADEMIC SENATE LIAISON: The President shall appoint annually, subject to confirmation by the State Council, an Association liaison to the CSU Academic Senate. This person shall serve as a member of the State Council and shall report regularly to the State Council.

Section 3. CALIFORNIA FACULTY ASSOCIATION LIAISON: The President shall appoint annually, subject to confirmation by the State Council, an Association liaison to the California Faculty Association. This person shall serve as a member of the State Council and shall report regularly to the State Council.

Section 4. HONORARY LIFE MEMBERS: The State Council, by majority vote, may confer an Honorary Life Membership on any Association member who has been recognized as having provided exemplary service to CSU-ERFSA. Honorary Membership includes the right to attend State Council meetings as a voting member.


Section 1. Prior to the Spring State Council meeting, each CSU campus affiliate shall select a delegate or delegates to the State Council using the procedure developed by the campus affiliate. The President or his/her designee of each affiliate shall forward the name or names of those selected to the CSU-ERFSA office.

Section 2. If a vacancy occurs among the State Council affiliate delegates, the campus affiliate shall replace that person using the procedure developed by the campus affiliate.


Section 1. FREQUENCY AND PLACE: At least one meeting shall be held each year, alternating when fiscally and logistically possible, between the North and the South.

Section 2. QUORUM: A quorum shall consist of a majority of the official membership of the State Council in attendance at a particular State Council meeting. 

Section 3: CALL AND PREVIOUS NOTICE: The call for State Council meetings, including the proposed agenda, shall be mailed to the members no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting. Previous notice on motions that require such notice shall be included as part of the meeting call.


Associate memberships may be granted to spouses of deceased members, pre-retirees who are CSU employees not eligible for a CalPERS annuity, retirees of CSU campus auxiliaries, and to those who as retirees are eligible for membership in a campus organization affiliated with CSU-ERFSA.

Associate Members shall receive all materials and items distributed to members, and shall be eligible to serve on committees as non-voting members. They may not serve on the State Council or on the Executive Committee; however they are welcome to attend State Council meetings. The Executive Committee, subject to approval by State Council, shall determine the dues for Associate Members. (Approved October 22, 2024)


Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, latest edition, shall be the parliamentary authority for this Association.


Amendments to the Bylaws may be proposed at a meeting of the State Council or by the Executive Committee or by a petition signed by delegates from at least three campus affiliates, and in such time as to enable the Secretary to send the proposed Bylaws amendment, or amendments, to each member of the State Council no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the next meeting of the State Council in which they are to be considered. Approval of the proposed amendment, or amendments, requires the favorable vote of a majority of the State Council present and voting.

Bylaws amended and revised by action of the State Council, editorially revised and updated June 28, 2003, October 15, 2007, October 16, 2010, October 21, 2017, October 13, 2018

April 20, 2024, and approved October 22, 2024.